Business Licenses & Permits
Business licenses are permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business within the government’s geographical jurisdiction. It is the authorization to start a business issued by the local government.

Main Street Programs
The N.C. Main Street Center works to stimulate economic development within the context of historic preservation, using a comprehensive approach to downtown revitalization developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and utilized by the National Main Street Center to assist communities across the country. The N.C. Main Street Center serves as the state’s leading resource in downtown revitalization. In Cleveland County, there are two Main Street Program offices, in Shelby and King’s Mountain.

Planning, Zoning & Utilities
Areas of land are divided by appropriate authorities into zones within which various uses are permitted. Thus, zoning is a technique of land-use planning as a tool of urban planning used by local governments.
A Planning and Zoning Commission is a local elected or appointed government board charged with recommending the boundaries of original zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced. The Commission proposes amendments and collects data to keep itself informed around the best practices for the community. Planning bodies act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts, and the safety of people and property dependent on city planning and zoning.

Sign Ordinance Resources
If your business will need outdoor signage, be sure to first contact your proper City/County office to save time and money!
A sign ordinance can help a municipality reduce signage visual clutter and end business “sign wars.” It also can help protect the existing character of a community, establish, or enhance community identity. Nonconforming sign ordinance sections indicate when a sign shall be removed (usually when signs require significant structural renovation or when a business closes) and the length of time permitted to remove such a sign.

Building Inspections
A building inspection is an inspection performed by a building inspector, a person who is employed by either a city, town or county and is usually certified in one or more disciplines qualifying them to make professional judgment about whether a building meets building code requirements.

Market Research Resources
Market Research is defined as the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a specific market and about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market. It can also consider the past, present and potential customers for the product or service. Typically research considers the characteristics, spending habits, location and needs of a business’s target market, the industry as a whole, and the particular competitors one may face.

Economic Development Resources
Economic Development is the work done to generally improve the landscape of business, policy, and the economic well-being of a region or community. In Cleveland County, there are several active organizations who work on varying scales to provide leadership and support to the surrounding economy. Depending upon the size and mission of the agency, the range of Economic Development services can cover a large base. However, this space is definitely worth researching since many powerful resources are available for local businesses to help drive growth opportunity.

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